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Your trusted resource for the personal, professional and community
expression of wellbeing through Reiki

Our Programs

Reiki Australia warmly welcomes Reiki folk, professional treatment practitioners, masters, individuals and organisations who have an interest in Reiki as a spiritual practice and healing art. We offer a community for all people who wish to make a Reiki connection with others whose lives have been touched by the legacy of Mikao Usui, the acknowledged founder of the practice of Reiki.

Reiki Australia offers all members personal development and community enrichment activities through our programs.  We welcome new Members and volunteers to join to continue to achieve the Organisation's Mission.

To be a trusted resource for the personal, professional and community expression of wellbeing through Reiki:
embracing students, masters, teachers and treatment practitioners

Containers for Change

Reiki Australia is very excited to now be participating in the Containers for Change initiative.  You may know we recently went entirely digital, an effort that reduces our impact on climate change.  At Reiki Australia, we want to continue to make a positive impact. 

This has led us to Containers for ChangeClick the logo to find out more and support our efforts by using our Scheme ID# C10612892

Thank you.  We're grateful for the support and to be involved in driving positive change to benefit all.

Go to Cash Rewards

Get ready to benefit from this great shopping option

This is Win Win retail therapy!  Not only do you save on groceries, fuel, electronics and many other products, but you also support Reiki Australia.  No matter the occasion, Birthdays, Christmas, Easter or just because you want to save, you can take advantage of this program. 

Join now and get $$ back.  Just use the Cash Rewards logo or this link to join so the rewards flow back to Reiki Australia Members too. 
Find out more.

Business Building - Pathway to Professional Reiki Practice commencing in 2025
Express your interest in this program that is for anyone trained in Reiki to progress along a pathway of professional development that will serve as the foundation for your professional Reiki practice.  Register here to learn more as either a potential student [mantee] or as a program facilitator [mentor].

Professional Development for Reiki Treatment

Reiki Australia has announced the introduction of a non-accredited certificate course in professional development for Reiki treatment practitioners. The course addresses knowledge and professional responsibilities that are important for all health care workers, and supports the National Code of Conduct for health care workers, which is a legal requirement for health practitioners in most Australian states.  You can read more about the training HERE.  Or watch a short video.

Professional Development for Healthcare Workers

Reiki Australia has now introduced a non-accredited certificate course in professional development for healthcare and wellness workers; this training was developed to ensure client safety and to give practitioners an opportunity to gain knowledge, skills and a deeper understanding of their professional responsibilities as described in the National Code of Conduct for Healthcare Workers (referred to as the National Code). Throughout Australia, the National Code is embedded in legislation and everyone who offers a health and wellness service is legally required to comply.  Find out more.
For Non-Members, the units can be purchased directly from the products range in the
Reiki Australia website store.

Reiki Australia Inc. Members and Associates - Private Facebook Group

This is a place for us all to connect, share experiences of our Reiki practice, ask for advice or support and much more.  What would you like to share?

Any financial member of Reiki Australia is eligible to join. Simply log into your Facebook account and it will take you to the new Facebook page where you can send a request to join.

Reiki Australia Classified Ads

Spread your Reiki passion!  We're working on new ways to promote those who shine for well-being!  Check out the Reiki Australia Classified Ads to find those who are offering Reiki and other ways to improve health and well-being in our communities.  If you'd like to advertise see the details above and email the advertising team and remember, Member discount rates apply.   Check Classified Ads

Distant Reiki Treatment in the comfort of your own home!

Thanks to our volunteer Members, we have a Distant Reiki program that provides treatments to yourself, your loved ones or friends no matter where they are.  Members can purchase at a special price when they log into the Member Portal and the wider community can purchase a treatment from the Reiki Australia website store.